This first one was done for some project I believe. It's pretty good for an amateur CG video. In my opinion, the Nurglesque troops fall far too easy, but it's still great overall.
This vid chronicles the creation of a Nurgle Great Unclean One with some nice conversions done to it. I like the complete lack of a face, and at about twenty-eight seconds in, it looks absolutely disgusting and shiny.
A couple of pretty cool converted minis:
An amalgamation of Nurgle artwork:
And umm...I'm not sure what to make of this one...
The last video is actually from Gamespy's website, and shows some cool footage from Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. While it's not Nurgle, it's Chaos related and shows some cool stuff. Anyone that claims the graphics aren't that great should re-examine their opinion. The graphics engine has come quite a ways over the last year. Sure, it's not Gears of War or Crysis, but MMOs aren't known for being games that push the graphics technology envelope. However, comparatively, it looks quite nice.