Sunday, May 4, 2008

Enjoy the Pus-Bath!

Hello, and welcome to Papa Nurgle's Pestilent Pus Pit. The site is just getting up and running, and so I appreciate you coming by. This site will feature news and information regarding our Great Father, Nurgle. If you have information, news, or just general filth, please send it to me through the email link on the right-hand side of the site, under "Caustic Connections."

The most immediate content to this site will be a chronicling of my army's construction.

I have LONG been a fan of the Warhammer Universe (specifically 40k) since the early 90s. I've always loved the artwork, look, and feel of it all. I played the Warhammer pen and paper RPG from 1991-1993 or so. I've owned both Space Hulk and Blood Bowl (this game I owned in the 80s, actually). I absolutely LOVED all the Fighting Fantasy books by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingston, whom I believe are involved with GW. I played Dawn of War for a bit after it came out, and have ordered the Warhammer MMO.

My first foray into actually building a 40k army was in 2004. I bought a bunch of orks, and painted a Killer Kan and a number of boyz. However, life took over (I was in the Air Force at the time), and I had to stop playing. I still have the models, paints, 4 ed. Rulebook, and Orks codex.

I recently started painting my boyz again, but the pull of Nurgle has been too strong. I've always loved Nurgle the most, but when I had the chance to get models originally, I ended up with ork models. Now, I am cleansing myself by burning the ork models, inhaling the fumes, purging, and feeding on their remains. I have the Chaos Daemon Codex on the way via mail, as well as a Great Unclean One. The goal, due to monetary reasons, is to simply get up to a core five-hundred point army and start playing while adding up to one-thousand points. The core will most likely be the Unclean One, Plague-Bearers, and Nurglings.

So, stay tuned, subscribe via the nice little box on the right-hand-side below the section titled "Caustic Connections" section, and PLEASE, comment!

Thank you from the bottom of our Lord's spewing, spilling bowels.